Bauhaus Strong Coffee – Ballard

Bauhaus Coffee – Ballard

 Bauhaus Coffee  Bauhaus Coffee

Description on the Bauhaus Coffee website: Bauhaus coffees are all a Delicate Full City Roast, where the beans roast past the first crack, but stop just prior of reaching the second crack at 440-445 degrees Fahrenheit. We believe in getting the most coffee flavor out of the coffee bean.

Bauhaus coffee is strong, flavorful, bold, rich, and smooth. Our motto is that “Bauhaus coffee tastes like coffee.” Bauhaus Coffee will never be sour, bitter, or bland. Bauhaus Coffee will always taste flavorful and rich and will not lose its flavor in milk.

Our Bauhaus blends were created to have a deep and rich flavor that is smooth to the pallet.  No matter how you take your coffee: latte, mocha, espresso, Americano, or drip coffee, a cup of Bauhaus Strong Coffee will always be satisfying and flavorful while packing a caffeinated punch.

Neighborhood: Ballard

Address: 2001 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA  98107

Music playing:  Love on the Line by Her’s

What we ate/drank:  Macchiato,  Peanut Butter Mocha

Bauhaus Coffee

Comments: Here’s the history of Bauhaus Coffee:

10/13-After 20 years at the corner of Melrose and Pine across the street from Pine Box and Melrose Market, Bauhaus is forced to leave due to their building being bought and new construction about to be built.  The intent was to move back to the location once the new construction was complete. That never happened and now Rapha Seattle, the cycling clothing/café is located at Bauhaus’ old spot.

10/13- Bauhaus Ballard opens it’s doors

2/14 -Bauhaus moves to their new “temporary” Capitol Hill location down two blocks from the original location on Pine Street.

7/14- Bauhaus Greenlake opens, but closing hours are soon changed from midnight to 11:00pm to 9:00pm. Not a good sign. Hot food is served when the café first open, but that stops.  Also, not a good sign.

12/15- The Greenlake, Capitol Hill and Ballard locations all close very suddenly to the shock of all locals.

  • The Capitol Hill location is now Sugar Hill, the bar and Guitar’s Khao Mun Gai, the restaurant.
  • The Greenlake location is now the office of Home Care Assistance.
  • The Ballard location is now………

……..Bauhaus Strong Coffee Ballard. In 4/16, this location was bought by new ownership and changed their name slightly adding in the “Strong Coffee”.  Otherwise the aesthetics of the location are exactly the same as before.

Bauhaus Coffee

This is the coffee shop we’ve nicknamed the “library coffee shop”. You’ll notice it’s a rather large coffee shop with big seating areas on either side of the POS counter. The left side has about 15 stools that run along a high counter with banker lights looking out on 20th Ave. It also has individual tables towards the back and bookcases of encyclopedias and art books.

On the right side is a bigger seating area with individual tables and seats that are next to the store front window looking out on NW Market Street. As you head towards the back there are wooden booths that seat about 3 parties of two and also elevated section with more shelves of encyclopedias and individual tables and seats. This section is partitioned by a book shelf and a j shaped counter that can be used on both sides. There’s also a few outdoor seats.

Bauhaus Coffee  Bauhaus Coffee

Bauhaus has a studious library feel with the shelves of books. You start to feel guilty about talking too loud and part of me was waiting for a librarian to come over and “shoosh” us. There are also little touches of vintage items of yesteryear such as slide projectors, globes, typewriters and old TVs.  Also there’s a orange imac which is considered vintage in technology years.

Bauhaus Coffee

There’s also a massive photo of Walter Gropus, father of the Bauhaus movement.  It’s on the corner of NW Market Street and 20th Ave so there’s lots of light with floor to ceiling windows.

Bauhaus Coffee

We came in the afternoon, so there was only a limited number of pastries. There was just one dish of a various cookies, a muffin and a cinnamon roll. Although when we got there the food options were limited, they are connected to the Hog Island Hoagie towards the back of the left, so you can grab a sandwich if you’d like. Besides coffee they have tea, canned/bottled of yerba matte, sodas and kombicha. Their calling card is strong coffee. I don’t know if it’s stronger than the coffee at other places, but it’s definitely flavorful.

Open til 9:00!

Bauhaus Coffee

Ratings(Scale 1-5)

Favorite Thing: The library feel and the various vintage items.

Atmosphere: 4.75

Service:  4.50

Food Options: 4.25

Overall: 4.50

Eavesdropping Convo: I’m pretty sure these were two sisters.

Sister 1(S1) – Lowers voice.  I was talking to mom the other night and I was telling her about trying to get boba tea in the International District.

Sister 2(S2) – Yeah?

S1 – Continues in lowered voice – The boba tea is so good but nobody speak English, so I have a hard time ordering.

S2 – Laughs. You’re talking about on Jackson St, right?

S1- Yeah, luckily one block down there’s a more “familiar” place, but their boba isn’t as good.


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