About Us- Seattle Unexplored

About Us

Seattle from the Bainbridge Ferry. About Us

We’re a married couple living in Seattle. Although we’re not originally from here, we’ve come to love it and hope to share some of our favorite places around Seattle that may not be as popular as the sites you might find in a travel book. So you won’t find anything about the Space Needle, EMP, the Waterfront, Seattle Aquarium, etc on this blog. You will find information about places that locals hang out.   We also hope you locals who’ve stumbled upon our blog, can discover places you’ve never been to before.

Here are some of our favorite posts:

Find out about Seattle coffee shops here.

Find out Where Seattle Locals Eat here.

Find out about Seattle Food Wars here:

Find out about Seattle Bars and Breweries here.

Find out what Visitors Think of Seattle here: